my mission

is to help women find peace, security, trust, love, abundance, and joy through connection to their authentic feminine energy, source, and intuition.


Although your story is not mine, as we each have our own unique journey, I identify with pieces of so many of women’s stories.

I know what it feels like to be living a life that looked from the outside like I was wildly successful while feeling alone, disconnected from my family, drained, and trapped in my own life.  

And yet I was climbing the ladder to what I thought was success… I owned and ran a wildly successful multi-six figure out-patient treatment center, had my own therapy practice and have the degrees and letters behind my name to back it all up. 

Yet, even with all of my external achievements and the outward appearance of “having it all together” I had soul-crushing moments... feeling out my body, experiencing debilitating oppression, while struggling to hold it all together. As a woman, I often felt uncomfortable in my own skin and I sought to find safety and to have control over my life by excelling at external achievements.  This way of being, however, never gave me the peace and authentic fulfillment that I truly desired. 


 Then I sought a new way.


I began a journey of healing.

I learned from spiritually based teachers while I aligned with the healing power of the mind and found strength in the space between science and spirit, mind and body, conscious and unconscious. 

I have traveled and worked with Shamans, stayed in monasteries all over the world, and been blessed to be taught by master teachers and gurus. I’ve also taken the western route of inpatient for the treatment of an eating disorder (twice).


kind words


What I have learned from this journey is that we don’t have to live our lives striving for achievements that from the outside look like success but don't fulfill and nurture our true selves. 

I know deep in my bones that when we understand how to live authentically, trust our bodies, ourselves, and are connected to something greater, we can have more love and abundance than we ever thought possible. When we let go of control and trust the process and invest in our truth and higher self we go from depending on external circumstances to validate ourselves, from just surviving to trusting our hearts and living within a space of true happiness. 

I am passionate about supporting women’s growth through the recreation of the female energies by healing the balance of the feminine and masculine and creating the space for unfolding that is already within each of us.